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Matt with doctoral committee

Yesterday I passed my dissertation defense!

Already it feels like a distant blurry memory. It was great having so many friends there, and my parents were able to drive in from Peoria (although when Dad raised his hand to ask a question, I wondered for a second why I’d invited them!). This was the last major milestone. I’ll be making revisions and dealing with the mountain of paperwork for a little while longer, but soon I’ll be Dr. Bietz. (Which, as dad reminded me, has a much better ring to it than “Master Bietz.”)

3 thoughts on “Passed!”

  1. Well, you didn’t say that I COULDN’T ask questions . . . and I’m pleased to have set a precedent as the first parent to have ever done so during a dissertation defense!

    Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS! We couldn’t be more proud of you!!!


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