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Getting Subjects

The subject pool might be a bigger problem than I thought at first. It seems from what I’ve been hearing that the Michigan Paid Experiments pool isn’t being maintained. The software is still the same home-grown stuff that has been unreliable in the past (and lacks many of the features I want). I also worry about the composition of the pool. I don’t know the last time that there was any recruitment into the pool, so the addresses seem to be getting stale. The sign-up functions don’t have any potential for any level of pre-screening.

I talked to Yan today about getting access to the ISR pool, but my study doesn’t qualify. To preserve the purity of the pool, they don’t allow any studies that use “induced incentives” or deception.

I’m thinking I will probably have to do my own recruitment and scheduling without the pool. I don’t think it will be hard to generate interest, but I might end up having to write my own code to do the scheduling (and maybe a little bit of pre-screening). Not hard, but it would be one more thing to do. Would I need to go through IRB with something like this?

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