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Workshops on Data-Intensive Collaboration at CSCW 2012

Science and engineering are facing huge increases in data volumes and shifts toward more data-intensive work. The amount of data being produced is rapidly increasing with the development of new sensing and computer technologies, increasing use of computational simulation, and a move toward larger-scale and more interdisciplinary projects. Two workshops at CSCW will explore data-intensive collaboration from sociotechnical perspectives.

CSCW Here I Come!

I’ve had 3 papers and 1 workshop accepted at the CSCW 2012 conference. I’m also a co-chair of the Videos program. See you in Seattle Bellevue! Papers: Bietz, M. J., Ferro, T., & Lee, C.… CSCW Here I Come!

Atlas.ti v.6 Warning

If you use Atlas.ti software, be careful when upgrading! Version 6 is not backward compatible. I really like Atlas.ti for qualitative analysis, but I pretty annoyed by my recent experience. I have a license which… Atlas.ti v.6 Warning

CFP: Supporting Scientific Collaboration Through Cyberinfrastructure and e-Science

Scientific collaboration using cyberinfrastructure (CI), or e-Science, is forward facing. e-Science projects aim to support the collaboration of research communities, whether by facilitating distanced collaboration or sharing data and computational resources. The most ambitious e-Science projects are creating entirely novel scientific fields, anticipating and actively cultivating new scientific communities and practices. Such endeavors present original challenges to researchers in CSCW fields: questions of large-scale technology development, of supporting communities in addition to groups, and of long-term sustainability.